Consider, create, bring together PDF documents

Consider, create, bring together PDF documents

PDF stands for Portable Document Format.These files are useful for the transfer and archiving of documents.You can be opened on any current computer.The files look practically the same on each device, regardless of whether the fonts contained are installed on it.Despite the high compatibility, they allow elaborate design with columns, tables or graphics.That is why the files of the PCTipp lifting archive are also held in this format.Files in this format are also not so easy to change;That is why it is used for sharing information and less with the intention that the recipient processes the file.


Almost every PC now offers the opportunity to display PDFs.And if no PDF viewer is installed, you can usually open PDFs-namely in web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge.If a program for displaying PDFS is missing, you should download one that PDFS can also be used to create (see section "Different freeware" on the next page).

PDF-Dokumente betrachten, erstellen, zusammenführen

Create PDFs

Not only opening PDFs is the standard.Almost every PC is now capable of producing PDFs in one way or another.With Macs, this has long been a on -board tool of the operating system and can be called up via the print dialog.Incidentally, the same concept also pursues the most PDF solutions under Windows.This is always a kind of printer driver.This means that the software from which a PDF file is to be saved prepares the data as if it were printed.Instead of sending the output to a real printer, the virtual PDF printer driver comes to the train, which converts the print image one to one into the portable document format and saving a saving type *.PDF offers.

Windows 10

Image 1: Windows 10 offers its own PDF printer, which only knows a few options

Source: PC

In Windows 10, creating PDF documents in the form of the virtual printer driver “Microsoft Print to PDF” has found their way around.Open the desired document (for example a text file) in its associated program.Go to file/ print or press CTRL+P (Ctrl+P).In the print dialog, select the Microsoft Print to PDF, Fig. 1.This is sufficient for most of the applications.In the case of more complex documents, a click on settings is recommended.Here- as far as it makes sense- you have some similar settings as when printing on paper, such as which of the pages you want in PDF and whether these should be in portrait or landscape format.However, the Microsoft's own PDF driver is quite limited.Advanced users may not be enough.The situation sometimes requires a decision whether the PDF should come in color or in grayscale, which zoom factor it is used to adapt to which paper format and how strongly compression for the images contained is.There is free software for this, see next page.If you don't have a Windows 10, you can't avoid such a program either.And what if the Windows 10 PDF driver would be enough for you but you accidentally deleted it?The tip "‹ Print to pdf ›accidentally deleted!»on the next page helps.