Software architecture days 2021 Costs of the Conference The following conference days are included in the ticket. All records of the conferences for you subsequently flexibly further train participation certificate for your documents Advantages of the conference

Software architecture days 2021 Costs of the Conference The following conference days are included in the ticket. All records of the conferences for you subsequently flexibly further train participation certificate for your documents Advantages of the conference

The software architecture days will find from 6.till 9.December 2021 online.The conference for software architecture is currently being organized by specialist magazine computer science and is embedded in the IT days.

Software-Architektur-Tage 2021 Kosten der Konferenz Folgende Konferenz-Tage sind im Ticket enthalten Alle Aufzeichnungen der Konferenzen für Dich im Nachgang verfügbar Flexibel fortbilden Teilnahme-Zertifikat für Deine Unterlagen Vorteile der Konferenz au

Do you want to know how you effectively break down technical debt?Would you like to find out how you should handle consistency and transactions in overarching microservices?Would you like to document and communicate modern software architectures?Find out how you can use domain-driven design for legacy systems, such as usability engineering and agile software development, and whether there are also good legacy systems.

If you also want to get to know cool, new Java features with Java 9 to 17 or even news in Scala 3, deal with machine learning and artificial intelligence or want to see the Corona Warn app under the magnifying glass, then you areExactly right with the software architecture days.

The conference program of the software architecture days can be found here.