Scan QR code: There are several options for this

Scan QR code: There are several options for this

QR codes are now omnipresent.In many situations you just have to pull out your cell phone and photograph the code.This makes sense, for example, if you want to log in somehow or want a menu card directly on your smartphone.You can find out how you can scan a QR code in the following.

Scan QR code: These options are available for Android users: Inside

Most of the users: on the inside own an Android device.These are not only functionally broad, but also have a huge selection of apps in the Google Play Store.And that will also be decisive below if you want to scan a QR code.If you still want to know what it is all about and how you can even create a QR code yourself, then you can read our instructions.

In any case, this should be about scanning the QR codes.Basically, almost every newer Android device is able to scan a QR code with your own camera.In fact, you don't have to do much but to open the camera app and to keep it against the QR code.Your cell phone then automatically detects the data and, if necessary, forward to a website.If that doesn't work, you have to download an app.But we go into that later.

IOS devices can also scan QR codes

On the other hand, if you have an Apple device or an iPhone, it is easy to scan a QR code here.If you have a model from iPhone 5, the camera app is sufficient for you.You just have to open your own camera app and keep your cell phone against the QR code.The content is recognized in just a few seconds and displayed on the display.But if you have an iPhone 4S or older, you have to fall back on an external solution.

Many apps in the stores

QR-Code scannen: Dafür gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten

If your cell phone or camera app is not able to scan a QR code, then you have to download an app from the store.Among other things, the following applications are suitable:

Kaspersky QR Scanner


QR & Barcode Scanner

If you want to read more about these QR code apps, we recommend our listing.Here we took a closer look at the QR code apps and explained them understandably.

Conclusion: it couldn't be easier

If you want to scan a QR code, the camera app that is already integrated is enough for you.But if it shouldn't work, you can also easily download a free QR code app that you can find in both Apple's app and Google Play Store.

Sources: own research

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