Professional impression through your own email domain

Professional impression through your own email domain

Fast jeder besitzt eine E-Mail-Adresse. Wenn du eine eigene Domain besitzt, kannst du dir in wenigen Schritten auch eine eigene E-Mail-Domain anlegen. Wir erklären dir, was das genau ist und warum die E-Mail-Domain einen professionellen Eindruck macht.Professioneller Eindruck durch die eigene E-Mail-Domain

Most of us use free Freemail providers for private use.You select an available name and then use the provider's mailbox to send and receive your emails.You always indirectly advertise the provider, since the second part of your email address always contains the name of the provider.

An email address is always built into two different parts: the local part and the global part.The local part is in front of the @sign and includes your user name.The global part after the @sign indicates the mail domain, so where exactly is your e-mail address is located.

With freemail providers you can only determine the local part.If you choose your own email domain, you also determine the Global Part yourself.Usually this corresponds to your company name.This makes the assignment to your company much easier.

Now book your own email domain

What do you have to consider in your own email domain?

If you want to set up your own email domain, the first step is to find the name.You choose any top level domain, i.e. the domain ending, and decide on a free domain name.Note that the combination is only awarded once and you may have to switch to alternative domain endings.

For example, if your preferred top level domain ".de "in combination with your domain name, you can also have newer and unknown endings, such as".Business "or".Select shop ”.

To check whether your desired combination is still free, you can carry out the free domain check at any time.

What are the advantages of your own email domain?

Freemail providers work on a simple principle.However, there are clear advantages for professional email traffic that speak for your own email domain.

Professional: A professional appearance on all channels also includes a professional company from the company.Your own email domain facilitates the assignment to the company and at the same time enables the division into meaningful areas, such as “Contact@company "or" Application@company ".

Sondery: As already mentioned, you can only change the local part with freemail providers.With the many customers: inside it can be difficult to find a suitable name that has not yet been awarded.With your own email domain you have no problems if you want to choose your first and last name.

Permanent: With your own email domain you can assume that you can use this address permanently.Because even with a domain move you can move your email address.

Advertising-free: Freemail providers usually work with advertising.In addition, popular addresses are also susceptible to spam.You can avoid both by the payment model with your own email domain.

Safer: hackers also often target popular freemail providers.For example, phishing emails increase the risk of a virus.

Tip-error resistant: The "Catch-All" function at your own email domains helps to avoid possible typing errors from customers: inside.That means: It doesn't matter if the local part contains a typo at the @sign.All emails are redirected to a mailbox.

This is how you set up your own email domain

Basically, the establishment of your email domain is immediately possible for all providers.We therefore explain to you how you come to your own email domain in just three steps.

1.Select providers

In the first step you choose a provider of your choice.Important selection criteria are, for example, the number of mailboxes provided, the storage space per mailbox and the availability of relevant transmission procedures.

What you should definitely check in your selection is the location of the data center of your provider in which your personal data is saved.If it is a German data center, you can also make sure that the German data protection regulations apply.

2.Check email domain

If you have chosen a provider, it is time to check the available domain.Many providers provide you with a simple domain check that you can use to check the available names free of charge.

If your desired combination has already been awarded from your domain name and the domain extension, you can, as already explained, also choose other domain endings.For example, popular domain endings such as “.com ”faster than new domain endings such as“.Shop".

3.Register email domain

Sobald du deine Wunsch-Domain gefunden hast, kannst du deineRegister email domain.Registration can be completed completely online.To do this, you simply fill out the order form of your provider.As a rule, central information from you is needed such as name, address, an email address and your bank details.

Conclusion: your own email domain is professional

You see that the reasons for an email domain are clear.If you want to make a professional impression on the inside, simply do this with the help of the email domain.With many providers you can choose the right one for you from different packages.

Now set up your own email domain with ionos

This article is part of our content hub around web hosting, cloud services and domains and is sponsored by Ionos.