Login not possible?59 cents per piece FFP2 masks: supermarkets lower prices more on the topic

Login not possible?59 cents per piece FFP2 masks: supermarkets lower prices more on the topic

@xandilus: Look at Aliexpress (is the Chinese ebay) under KN95 mask (corresponds to our FFP2 standard)...

...From 200 pieces, including shipping, you are even a end customer at a unit price of around 5-15 cents! With just 1 cents after taxes, you earn 3 million euros with a machine in 5 years !!! At 59 cents sales price, 10 cents are easyYou could do 30 million for the producer and also reseller in it with a machine - if the vaccination were not and hopefully the spook will soon be over...Therefore, such user margins are currently being worked on in order to pull the consumers out of their pockets in the remaining time.If someone today has a used car at 10.000 euros in, in truth only 5.000 euros are worth, you can sue (shortening over half or.Laesio enormis) - If the population is decorated with the exploitation of an emergency, the federal government is watching!

Login nicht möglich? 59 Cent pro StückFFP2-Masken: Supermärkte senken Preise Mehr zum Thema