Klimademo in Düsseldorf: Fridays for future demonstrate before the state parliament

Klimademo in Düsseldorf: Fridays for future demonstrate before the state parliament

The organizers expected around 3000 participants in advance;But it seems to have become significantly less, maybe 800 stood in the meadow before the state parliament at the start of the meadow.In the evening, the police increased their estimate to 1000 participants.The activist Luisa Neubauer also participated in the meeting on the state parliament.Neubauer's words according to the NRW government fails in coping with the flood disaster or prevents the expansion of wind power, which is now evident in the survey values."People start to understand that Laschet does not want to stop the crises of our time -" she said.

Klimademo in Düsseldorf: Fridays for Future demonstrieren vor dem Landtag