New World: Farm Azoth-Find and use tips on mineral raw materials

New World: Farm Azoth-Find and use tips on mineral raw materials

Fast travel if you want to use the quick trip in New World, you won't get by without a small payment - at least not always.You can travel back to the last registered inn for free, but if you want to travel big distances more often, you have to pay with Azoth.Every trip to a city or a ghost shrine costs you a bit of Azoth, the exact price depends on the distance and weight of your inventory.

New World: Azoth farmen – Tipps zum Mineral-Rohstoff finden und nutzen

Crafting -better weapons mean better survival.Often you will have to craft your equipment in New World yourself, but the rarity of your new weapon or armor is determined by random chance.Fortunately, you can influence the chances in your favor by investing a little Azoth while crafting.The more you deposit in the production, the better the chances that the new item of equipment will give you attribute bonuses or a perk.

Returning arms have reached level 10 with a weapon class, but do you want to redistribute your gun skills?Are you dissatisfied with the current distribution?Here, too, you can pay a little Azoth to start all over again.Up to level 10, the new distribution of the weapon skills is free, but then you have to do 25 Azoth sheets if you want to build your skill streak from the front.