Lungauer says Amazon and Co.

Lungauer says Amazon and Co.

Der Online-Handel boomt. 8,7 Milliarden Euro betrug der Umsatz in Österreich im Jahr 2020. Davon bleiben nur 36 Prozent bei österreichischen Händlern. Der Rest fließt an international registrierte Firmen. Weil das nicht nur die Existenzen einzelner Geschäfte, sondern sogar ganze Orte bedrohe, hat ein Lungauer ein Volksbegehren zum Schutz des regionalen Handels eingebracht.Lungauer sagt Amazon und Co den Kampf an

Folk request "purchase regional"

The registration week for the referendum "Buy Regional" has been running since Monday.You can sign until Monday next week.The specific goal: to keep small, local trading companies competitive.This should be achieved by obliging international dealers to do a regional tax that benefits the municipalities directly.In addition, the tax rate for regional trade is to be reduced.

Online trading threatens local businesses

The Tamsweg sales representative Eduard Egger noticed in his own environment that the local trade is suffering from the competition of international companies, as he explains today in the S24 discussion."Many of my acquaintances have their own businesses or businesses and everywhere the topic" How should we keep up with online trading? "" ".Since he was traveling throughout Austria, Egger has to do with companies and companies across the country and he noticed this mood everywhere."Then I thought about what you can do about it and the idea of a referendum got started."

"Whole places die with the trade"

Especially in the Lungau, emigration is a big problem.According to Egger, the reason for this is that many local companies have to close due to the competition from international dealers.“Then people lose their jobs, have to commute and many finally move away. Mit dem Handel sterben in weiterer Folge ganze Orte", betont der Lungauer.

Almost 100.000 votes before the registration week

The 100 were even before the start of the registration week.000 votes that are necessary to bring the concern to parliament almost reached.For the most part through word of mouth was possible. „Ich habe auf Facebook, über meine Arbeit und ganz altmodisch mit Flyern darauf aufmerksam gemacht", erklärt Egger.From Salzburg came with 5.000 comparatively few votes.Most support came from Styria. Ein generelles Problem sei laut Egger, dass „oft viel geredet wird, aber letztendlich nichts passiert".

The lungauer is sure that the referendum made it into parliament.However, the work is not done: “We will see what comes out in parliament. Im besten Fall ist der nächste Schritt, das Ganze auf EU-Ebene einzubringen", betont Egger.

(Source: Salzburg24)