Knutschleck: How to make it and remove it

Knutschleck: How to make it and remove it

By Susanne Schumann

Those who never had a hickey does not have gel (i).We'll tell you how you do one - and if necessary, start again as soon as possible.

Knutschleck: What is that actually?

In the Kamasutra, the Indian teaching of love and passion, the smooch is considered a love once, as a sign that you are forgiven.A smooch shows that the carriers have a fulfilling love life, so he is traditionally worn with pride and clearly visible for everyone else.Who doesn't feel like it...

...However, from a medical point of view, it could pass directly again.For doctors, a smooch is nothing more than a hematoma, i.e. a bruise or blue stain.In contrast to the blue spot that you can pick up when you bump your shin on the bed (which, admittedly, can also be a love paint), the smooch is not caused by an impact, but is created by negative pressure.The effect is the same: Small veins run under the surface of your skin, i.e. blood vessels that are damaged and burst at the process.There is a so -called bleeding into the surrounding tissue - i.e. a bruise.

Knutschleck: harmful to health?

Breaked veins, bleeding - that doesn't sound really healthy at first.But in fact a hematoma, especially as gently and tenderly created as a smooch, is usually not a problem for our body.The veins are usually repaired within a few hours (otherwise it would also be problematic if your doctor would take blood from you).The blood that has collected in the tissue is dismantled in the course of one to a maximum of four weeks.During this time, the smooches changes its color as beautiful as any other bruise: it becomes blue from red, then purple, yellow and finally brownish.So back to the Kamasutra!

Make a smooch: that's how it works

Popular places for the love marker are the neck, shoulders and the area around the collarbone.The seal of relationships is not only clearly visible afterwards, but mostly already connected to sparkling and erotic.If you put other places - z.B.Bauch, Oberschenkel, Flanke, Po – bevorzugt, könnt ihr euch natürlich auch dort gegenseitig liebes-markieren.Only your environment will not immediately recognize the love time as such.

No matter which position you choose, the principle of how you make a hickey is always the same.

Mouth relaxed and slightly opened on the partner's chosen part of the body, as if you wanted to kiss him there

Form the lips into a circle or oval (o or 0)

Suck!On the one hand, this should be strong and intense enough so that there is sufficient vacuum and you achieve a visible effect.On the other hand, not so energetic that it hurts your sweetheart.In addition, it is best to keep it out for about 20 seconds - if you spend yourself at the beginning, you could possibly be dizzy...

Smooch: Wie man ihn macht und entfernt

With your lip keeping and your method, you can specifically influence the shape of the later smooch: a circular lip opening results in a circular love paint, an oval opening an egg -shaped.If you slide a lot back and forth when making it or change your lip keeping, the smooch is usually less well defined and possibly rather pale, but large -scale.

Overwhelmed?Don't worry, it sounds much more complicated in theory than it really is in practice!With a little desire, passion and feeling, practically everyone can make a love paint.Okay, the perfect smooch may already require some practice. Aber wer seinen Schatz nicht als Versuchskaninchen benutzen möchte, kann dafür ja zumBeispiel auch seinen Unterarm benutzen ...

Remove the smooch: the best tips

First of all: if you have a pure conscience (and don't cuddle or something or something...), there are actually hardly any good reasons to remove or hide a hiciness. Doch manchen ist ihr Liebesmal vor anderen peinlich – was in erster Linie an der Spießigkeit und sexuellenBefangenheit unserer Eltern, Gesellschaft und Traditionen liegt.For those we have a few tips on how to make a hicial spot disappear again or hide unobtrusively.

Immediate measure in the event of smooch: cool!

Your sweetheart has sucked and you immediately realize: "That was not a good idea!"?Then quickly something cold on the smooched area, ideally a cool pack, ice cubes (but then a thin cloth underneath to exclude the frequency of frosting on the skin).A cold spoon or a pack of frozen vegetables do it too. Das stoppt dasBlutergießen ins Gewebe und mit ein bisschen Glück hinterlässt seine Liebe dadurch keinerlei Spuren auf deiner Haut – in jedem Fall aber eine kleinere als ohne Kühlen.

Late help against smooch: warm!

Nach der Aktion gemütlich weitergeturtelt oder eingeschlafen und einen Tag später beimBlick in den Spiegel geschockt? Dann kannst du dein Tiefkühlgemüse getrost essen und der gefärbten Stelle stattdessen eine Wärmebehandlung gönnen. Wärmflasche, Wärme-Pad, auch Sauna oder ein heißesBad tun gut und bewirken, dass der blaue Fleck schnellstmöglich abgebaut wird.The heat is stimulated by the heat and the healing process is thus accelerated.It is best to heat up to 20 minutes of the smooch several times a day.

Alternatively, you can also go to the pharmacy and Z.B.Get heparin ointment that you apply to your blue love stain.If in doubt, simply ask the pharmacist for a cream against hematomas.

PlanB: Smooch verstecken

Do you want your smooch to be invisible on the spot?Then only one thing helps: hide!Roll collar sweater, turtle-neck, scarf, neckerchief-whatever your wardrobe has to offer.Alternatively, you can cover the discoloration with make-up or camouflage.

Do you already be over smooch?No problem!We also have a few tips on how you can do the perfect tongue kiss, and we will also tell you what you should know best for the first time. Und falls dich interessiert: Wie verliebt er sich in mich und was bedeuten eigentlich Schmetterlinge imBauch – bei uns findest du Antworten!

Video tip: These zodiac signs kiss to melt away well

