Facebook wants to create 10,000 jobs in Europe for virtual world

Facebook wants to create 10,000 jobs in Europe for virtual world

Der Facebook-Topmanager Nick Clegg schrieb in einem Blogeintrag: "Diese Investition ist ein Vertrauensbeweis in die Stärke der europäischen Tech-Industrie und das Potenzial europäischer Tech-Talente." Unter Metaverse versteht der US-Internet-Riese eine Welt, in der physikalische Realität mit erweiterter (augmented reality, AR) und virtueller Realität (VR) in einer Cyberwelt verschmelzen. Der Begriff stammt vom amerikanischen Schriftsteller Neal Stephenson, der ihn erstmals im Jahr 1992 in seinem Science-Fiction-Roman "Snow Crash" verwendet hat.Facebook will für virtuelle Welt 10.000 Jobs in Europa schaffen

For the construction of metavers would be 10 in Europe.000 "highly qualified jobs", explained the British ex-Vice Prime Minister.Among other things, opportunities for a job have "highly specialized engineers".

Facebook manager Nick Clegg

As one of several companies, Facebook is currently working on creating a "meta -verse", a virtual world in which users meet, spend money, consume media and may even be able to work.The project is regarded by Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg as the central for the future of the group.

Openness as a central characteristic

Metaverse has the potential to help to "open up access to new creative, social and economic opportunities," said Facebook."And the Europeans will help shape it right from the start."No individual company will have and operate metavers."Like the Internet, the metaverse will be characterized by openness and interoperability."

Europe is extremely important for Facebook, emphasized Clegg."Here thousands of employees and millions of companies that use our apps and tools every day contribute to our success."The EU has many advantages that make it a great investment location for technology companies.These advantages included "a large consumer market, first -class universities" as well as highly talented workers.

The US group has already started with tests of a new virtual reality app for long-distance work, with which users can take part in meetings via a special headset as avatar versions of themselves.In September, Facebook provided $ 50 million for the construction of the metaverse, in which companies such as Roblox and "Fortnite" manufacturer Epic Games have already gained a foothold.

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Economic professor Sandra Matz on "Interest conflicts" on Facebook (05.10.2021)

An internet company under pressure

The announcement of the social media giant comes at a time when the US group is under massive pressure.The former Facebook manager and Whistleblower Frances Haugen called at a hearing at the US Senate at the beginning of October to force the online network for more transparency.The 37 -year -old accused Facebook among other things that it knew from internal studies that Instagram has a shame of mental health of some teenagers - but nothing against it.Hauges also warned of harmful effects of Facebook products on democracy.

The company produced negative headlines only a day earlier because a mistake in the network settings had led to a six-hour failure on Facebook as well as the daughters WhatsApp and Instagram.