"Europäer sind zum Erfolg verdammt" Initiative zu EU-Zahlungsverkehr - "Europäer sind zum Erfolg verdammt"

"Europäer sind zum Erfolg verdammt" Initiative zu EU-Zahlungsverkehr - "Europäer sind zum Erfolg verdammt"

...is a payment procedure that was developed for paying on the Internet - but only by some German credit institutions.Others rely on Paydirekt.Both have so far remained niche products because they could not win enough traders who accepted this payment method."So a lot of money has been burned in recent years," judge Jürgen Moormann, Payment expert at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Economics.In December 2020 both have now merged.With the merger of Giropay and Paydirekt, however, it is not enough: Now the German banking industry is planning to bring the new Giropay together with the mobile customer-to-customer payment system "KWitt" of the savings banks.The Bundeskartellamt has already given the green light for "Xpay".So at least at the German level you want to try to regain PayPal customers.