Diet Tips: Nutritionist Explains What You Should Stick To

Diet Tips: Nutritionist Explains What You Should Stick To

Katz: I joke that my book is 750 pages long, but seven words would have sufficed: "Eat food. Not too much. Predominantly plant-based." They're not even mine, they're Michael Pollan's. You get to the heart of the matter. If you primarily eat wholesome, minimally processed plant-based foods and drink mostly water, you can't go far wrong. So vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, put together in a balanced way. Of course, you don't have to limit yourself to just that. But all good eating plans are made up of these things. You can implement this with a Mediterranean diet or in a Paleo diet. High-fat or low-fat. With more or less carbohydrates. Being pescetarian, vegetarian, vegan and so on. The leitmotif can be interpreted in different ways, but you cannot shake it itself. An immense amount of research and experience show that this way of eating is the best way to achieve what is important: longevity and vitality into old age.

Diet tips: Nutrition researcher explains why You should stick to