Coal exit: support for structural change is starting slowly

Coal exit: support for structural change is starting slowly

The chairman of the IG BCE trade union, Michael Vassiliadis, also commented critically. Structural change will only be successful if we replace good industrial work with good industrial work. So far, too little can be seen. & quot; EU state aid rules slow down the promotion of new, climate-friendly industrial projects. & quot; this has to change as soon as possible, & quot; said Vassiliadis of dpa.Until 2028, the federal government alone wants to create 5000 jobs in the coal regions by relocating authorities in whole or in part. According to Altmaier & APOs; s report, 2140 jobs have already been filled. Aid stops distinguish between grants-that is EUR 14 billion-and structural aid amounting to EUR 26 billion.

Kohleausstieg: Finanzhilfen für Strukturwandel laufen langsam an