2. Triathlon.de Cup Lingen

2. Triathlon.de Cup Lingen

Swimming route (exemplary): view here

Explan zone: The transition zone is located above the competition area (approx..800m) and below swimming start (150 m).The transition zone is only to be entered by athletes and is only possible after the start documents and the prepared wheel can be picked up.

In the competition, the bike may only be recorded when the helmet is set up and the chin strap has been closed.The wheel must be pushed until the promotion marking (line) at the end of the transition zone.On the way back into the transition zone, you have to get off the bike before the relegation marking (line) and then push the wheel on to the change of change.The helmet may only be opened after the wheel is parked and the helmet can be discontinued.

Special note for relay participants: The cyclist is waiting for his swimmer in the transition zone on his bike and takes over the chip.He already wears the start number on his back.The runner later waits for the cyclist and takes over the chip.

Cycling: The start number is to be worn on the bike.The Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), especially the legal driving requirement!The bike round is located on public roads, except for a short part on the feeder and the way back to the transition zone (200 m before the transition zone).There is also a point where there is a narrowing, which is equipped with warnings.Please have been particularly careful in these areas and reduces your pace appropriately.In this area, the center line runs over to direct disqualification.

All distances are carried out with slipstream ban.The slipstream zone is 12m long, measured by the front edge of the front wheel of the front man to the front edge of the front wheel of the subsequent participant.An overhaul must be made within 25 seconds.A driver is considered “outdated” as soon as the overtaking of the overtaking is in front of that of the outdated.The outdated must fall back and move away from the slipstream zone within 25 seconds.The side distance when overtaking must be at least 1.5m.A participant who does not show clearly enough to comply with these provisions is punished with a time penalty.

Each distance drives a different number of rounds, each athlete is responsible for counting its rounds and then turning into the transition zone.The path from the transition zone to the bike round and back (feeder on the lake) is 1 km each.

Middle distance: 16 rounds Olympic distance: 8 round people's distance and seasons: 4 round taster distance: 2 rounds

Bike route: View here

Running: The start number is to be worn on the running route.Please always run on the right so that you can be overtaken on the left side.The run round is 5km long.At the taster distance 2.5 km.

Middle distance 4 runs.At the end of the round you get a rubber band for the round run for orientation.At the finish, the athletes of the middle distance must have 3 rubber bands.A catering point (water) and gel is set up at kilometer 2.5.

Olympic distance: 2 runs.At the end of the round you get a rubber band for the round run for orientation.At the finish, the athletes of the Olympic distance must have 1 rubber band.A catering point (water), gel is set up at kilometer 2.5.

People's distance: a round must be run.A meal is not offered on the running route.

Trial distance and athlete run a short 2.5 km round.Meals in the target area.

2. triathlon.de cup Lingen

Running route: view here

Meals: Each participant receives a triathlon filled with water.de bike bottle at the start number edition.

People's distance and taster distance: catering only in the target area

Olympic distance: no meals on the bike route, on the running route catering with water and gel on km 2.5.Target catering

Middle distance: water, bar and gel on the bike route from 2:00 p.m. and always on the running route at km 2.5 each round.Target catering.

Beginning of the finish: Of course you can cater to the finish line, but you have to leave the target area quickly afterwards.The minimum distance of 1.5 m applies.There will be no award ceremony, the results are provided online.The best of the competitions, women and gentlemen will receive gifts.

Showering: This year no showers may be used this year.Toilets are available.

Time measurement: The time measurement takes place via reusable transponder, which is output with the start number.A chip strap is required for fastening.The chip must be worn above the ankle.On the triathlon.The sales stand can be purchased chip and start number bands.The transponder must be given when leaving the target area.If a transponder is not submitted, it will be charged with 60 euros retrospectively.

Template: This is the schedule of the 2.Crown triathlon.de cup lingen from 10.- 11.September 2021.There may be shifts.

Start number output: 10.September 2021 17:00 – 19:0011.September 2021 09:00 – 13:00 (bitte auf die spätestmögliche Ausgabe pro Rennen achten)

Saturday, 11.September 2021: Middle distance (1.9-80-21) 09:00-11:30 Start number edition 10: 00-11:55 Check-in/ wheel control12: 20 Startab 16:00 Checkout

Olympic distance (1.5 -40 -10) 09:00 -12:00 Start number output 10: 00 -12:45 Check? In/wheel control13: 10 Startab 15:00 Checkout

People's distance incl.Season (0.4 - 20 - 5) 09:00 - 11:15 Start number edition 10: 00 - 11:45 Check? In / wheel control12: 00 Startab 14:30 checkout

Trial distance (0.2-10-2.5) 09:00-12:45 Start number output 10: 00-13:25 Check-in/ wheel control13: 45 Startab 14:15 Checkout

We know that the competition through all the restrictions is different than usual, but we are glad that it can take place at all and that we can offer you the opportunity to carry out a triathlon this year.Many have trained for this event for a long time.We hope you enjoy 2.Crown triathlon.de cup.

Your organization team

Contact: Thomas@performance jump.de / (05971) - 80 25 548