Learn to program: HTML, CSS, JavaScript-Tips for getting started

Learn to program: HTML, CSS, JavaScript-Tips for getting started

Auch wenn Sie nicht Entwickler werden wollen: Es lohnt sich, Grundzüge des Programmierens zu kennen. Doch welche Programmiersprache soll man lernen? Wir geben Tipps.Programmieren lernen: HTML, CSS, Javascript – Tipps für den Einstieg

Learning to program is worth it: But what programming language should you start with?

Photo: panthermedia.net/Snowing

Some advise you to start practically with your own small project.The others recommend looking for a community and a good textbook to learn programming.

We give tips and clarify the most important questions: What is HTML?What is CSS?What do you do with JavaScript?And where are there tutorials that can be used to learn to program?

Why should I learn to program?

Maybe you wonder why you should learn to program at all.One of the reasons is that in our mechanized world there are programmers who are sought -after experts who are also well paid.You also have a variety of ways to make career.But not everyone has to be a programmer.It is enough to master a programming language.With programming skills, job aspirants acquire helpful skills for their further career.Because programming includes much more than just writing programs: it requires abstraction and logical thinking.Above all, programming means solving tasks and problems.

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First of all, those willing to learn should familiarize themselves with what the differences between hardware and software are, how computers process information and how real problems can be translated in arithmetic processes.Knowledge of Internet infrastructure and basic protocols for web applications are also required.

Now there are numerous programming languages, but the question arises beforehand: What is a programming language?To put it simply, it is a tool to give computers that are not intelligent by house to perform a task.The instructions are carried out in machine language because computer does not understand human language.The former consists of instructions for arithmetic operations that the computer executes one after the other.A program ensures that several commands run behind each other.

Which programming language should I learn?

If you want to get in, you can attend introductory courses at a university or adult education center or watch video instructions for self -study on the Internet.Most experts believe that it does not matter to a certain language.If you master one well, you can easily learn another one, as most programming languages are similar.It depends more on the learning type and therefore on your own preferences: some prefer to work on specific projects, others prefer a structured procedure because they want to know what they want to do from the start.

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It is clear that technical development or digitization continues, and the edition for data processing devices or computers (systems) is becoming increasingly complex.These do not work the same tasks either.A distinction is made between sequential, object -oriented.logical or functional programs.A large field are databases (such as MySQL or Mariadb).Organizing, storing or extracting data is done with special software that must also be developed.

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The job description is just as diverse: there are web programmers, system programmers (desktop, mobile devices, large computers), programmers for applications on desktop, mobile devices or distributed systems.The programming languages Ruby, Pascal or Python are currently in. And one or the other has already heard of the classics C ++ or Java.The field of data processing and thus also that of the programming languages continues to develop.It is said to always continue to be tied up so as not to lose the connection.

What is the best programming language for beginners?

The popular programming languages include HTML, CSS and JavaScript.The former is, strictly speaking, no pure programming language, it is used to build websites (structure and content).So -called awards can be embedded on a website with the help of tags pictures, videos, music or texts.

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What is HTML?

The HTML award language consists of the tags already mentioned and other structuring elements.The abbreviation HTML for "Hypertext Markup Language".As a programmer, write the content of a website in an HTML file.With the help of the tags and other elements, the texts on the website can be formated and arranged.With the help of HTML, you can also put links - internally like external - as well as pictures, videos and numerous other elements.The browser reads the HTML file and shows them graphically.

What is an HTML source text?

The source text of a website is created from the HTML code-ultimately the source text is a sequence of awards and empty elements that determine what the website should look like.Awards consist of an opening and a closed day as well as the actual content in between.An example:


The command (for "Bold") determines that the text behind it should be displayed in fat font.The command immediately after the content concludes the award - there are other rules behind it.

In addition to this type of awards, there are also tags that are not closed, so -called empty tags.

Ein example:

The command stands for a line break.

Do you have to know all HTML commands?

Vor Jahrzehnten wurden Webseiten tatsächlich komplett mithilfe von HTML programmiert. Heutzutage wird die Auszeichnungssprache nur noch verwendet, um eine Website zu strukturieren, also zum example Überschriften und Fließtext zu definieren. Als Standard gilt dabei XHTML und HTML5.

Most of the programs now use content management systems such as WordPress or TYPO3 to create your website instead of writing the file itself.Knowing the basic commands and the logic behind HTML is still very helpful.

What is CSS?

With CSS, websites can be designed professionally: Web developers determine how content (layout, colors, typography) are shown.

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The abbreviation CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.The language was created in the 1990s and is now the standard for the stylesheet of websites.While you use HMTL to define the text with the help of HMTL, determine the design of your website with CSS.That means: With the CSS file you define how the browser represents texts and pictures, and design elements such as backgrounds and edges.CSS file solid text formatting.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript code extends the possibilities of the first two and ensures interactivity on the web.This allows us to evaluate user interactions, validate data (e.g. for forms), display dialog windows, propose search terms during data input or display advertising banners.If you want to develop apps for Android mobile phones or 3D games, you should definitely deal with Java.

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Roughly speaking: With HTML and CSS you build up your website and determine what it should look like.With JavaScript you give your additional functions and make you dynamic.

Learn programming: What should I start with?

„Meine Empfehlung lautet, mit etwas Einfachem einzusteigen. Zum example Webprogrammierung, dafür benötigt man nur einen Rechner. Über die grafische Oberfläche sieht man gleich das Ergebnis. Die nächste Stufe wäre, etwas Haptisches zu programmieren. Es gibt Turtlebot-Bausätze, die sind super für Anfänger“, lautet der Tipp von Vincent Aravantinos.

The doctor of computer scientists started programming at the age of 15 because he found a video game too bad on his Playstation."I had no idea and zero experience.And what I tried was not going.So I am on the Internet and exchanged ideas with the community. ”After studying mathematics and graduation in computer science, he gained professional experience abroad.Today, the expert for security-critical systems leads a developer team at one of the leading software fortune for autonomous driving.

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Of course, you can also learn programming at the university in computer science studies, says Vincent.There it is about theoretical knowledge and systematic thinking to be fit for commercial software systems.This also means learning how software projects work if they are carried out on the customer order.As Tech Lead Manager, he deals with the design of software.This means that he works on the conceptual level, and "this has an impact on how we program and how we will test the systems".

His tip for the career:

Where are there programming tutorials?

There are countless providers on the net with tutorials.Many are free.If you want to go deeper, you can book a monthly subscription to the respective provider.Here is an overview (without entitlement to completeness):

Free workshops are available at Start Coding.On this platform, interested parties with the interactive slide show of the same name not only receive an introduction, but can also get started.

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There is an introduction to programming as well as a selection of scholarships and programming competitions at the blog IT-Talents.de.

The website "nationwide computer science competitions" gathers numerous learning offers (German and English) as well as online courses for young people aged eight years.Also on offer: languages with interpreter or functional languages as well as an overview of classic compiled languages.

One of the best known, interactive (English-language) online platforms is Codeacademy (codecadamy.com).It offers courses on numerous programming languages (many of them free of charge) and website design.In the associated forum, beginners and advanced users can exchange ideas.

The German -speaking counterpart to this is a developer hero, a platform with a game fiction.After registration, interested parties can solve sorted tasks by difficulty and collect rewards with every success.However, users should already have basic knowledge in the programming language of their choice.